We believe that...

behind a good animation, there is a good teamwork that always exploring the surroundings to unchain the creativity.

Small Thing Matters

Small Thing Matters
Feeling blue during pandemic since Covid-19 has been threatening the world, we express the feeling of imprisoned by the social distancing.

Sabrina Universe

Sabrina Universe
In order to participate in celebrating Bank Rakyat Indonesia 126th anniversary with Srengenge Culturelab, Anymate Studio created a short animation titled Sabrina which represent BRI to keep giving people the bestest services for the customer's comforts.

Silahturahmi Dalam Keterbatasan

Silahturahmi Dalam Keterbatasan
In order to celebrate Eid Fitr 1442H with all of the constraints, Anymate Studio wanted to celebrate with all of you who couldn't do the homecoming tradition with the loved ones. Strengthen the closeness, as we spread love & kindness.

Semangat Lintas Generasi

Semangat Lintas Generasi
Kebanggaan, kejayaan dan kemerdekaan saat ini, tak lepas dari desing peluru yang menghiasi tetes darah dan keringat para pendahulu. Sejarah yang telah dicoretkan didalam buku, tak boleh hanya dianggap angin lalu. Semangat dan Perjuangan ini tidak akan redup! Harus tetap lestari dan mengalir dari generasi ke generasi. Merah darahku putih tulangku. Selamat ulang tahun ke-75 Dirgahayu Republik Produced : Anymate Studio Advisor : Srengenge Music: Almost August - Dan Lebowitz Support by RFM - NCM: https://youtu.be/ZxAMShc_3gs Music provided by CFM Watch: https://bit.ly/35p82tE Free Download / Stream: https://uiz.io/r7iSh